being healthy

I'm definitely not perfect. Today, lunch consisted of 2 ice cream sandwiches (what can I say it's hot in July in Arizona). What I have come to realize the last 5 years or so is that being healthy is a progression. It starts small with simple changes, like purchasing fresh produce for snacks instead of processed, prepackaged foods. Or going on a 20 minute walk every day. Or even, taking time for yourself meditating, contemplating, processing. There isn't one thing or one area that can magically make a person healthy. Being healthy is holistic; it is a choice and it is daily work. Here's my top 5 ways to keep myself and my family healthy even in moments of weakness (ex: today's lunch).

1) Take a mental health day. Sometimes we get in the routine or habit of being workaholics. As homemakers, entrepreneurs, or in any other area where we devote time and energy. This is strenuous on our minds and bodies personally and as a family unit. Sometimes it's okay to take a day and just relax, let the dishes sit in the sink, schedule phone calls or appointments for another day, and just exist together. This can include cuddles and movies at home or a family outing. Whatever you choose will rejuvenate your mind and allow you to perform in your responsibilities with motivation, openness, and peace. We're talking quality not quantity here.

2) Listen to uplifting music. Music speaks to the soul! Find music that makes you happy, pumps you up, and calms your troubles. When you're having a bad day, need pumped up, or have to do something mundane (ex: dishes, laundry, driving, budgeting) play those tunes. Tap along with your foot, bob your head, or sing along. Allow yourself to FEEL the music at your core. Your emotional health will thank you.

3) Pray or Meditate. Whatever your spiritual beliefs are makes no difference. Connecting with your higher power (God, the Universe, Buddha, etc...) daily helps you to move through life authentically. We are spiritual beings and we are all intertwined through our higher powers. When we can be one with our spirits we can forgive, we can love, we can make miracles happen among us. Your spirit/soul needs guidance in the trials of life and gratitude in the blessings. Through prayer and meditation you gain clarity and become empowered. Spiritual health creates confidence and stability.

4) Cook clean. I don't mean just eat clean foods. I mean make double and triple sure your cooking surfaces are clean. In my home we use 316Ti, because we know we feel better and get more nutrition for our bodies this way. Learn about heavy metals, learn about non stick, learn about organic, learn about cooking temperatures, learn about foods. Knowledge is power. Your body will thrive when it gets whole foods as whole foods, like nature intended. Physical health comes down to diet over and over again. There are so many credible resources if we will just listen and follow, then our body will be healthy.

5) Go easy on yourself. Nobody's perfect. You already know I'm not seeing as I told you straight out. When we don't hit our goals or we do or say something out of the norm, we beat ourselves up. This is so draining. Negativity is draining! So give yourself a break next time you oversleep, or feed your kids cookies for breakfast, or get a speeding ticket, or whatever it is. Look for the good in all things and always do your best. Your best looks different at any given moment which is more than okay because a positive mindset is the momentum of health. So keep your head up, take a deep breath, and just keep being you.

