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being healthy

I'm definitely not perfect. Today, lunch consisted of 2 ice cream sandwiches (what can I say it's hot in July in Arizona). What I have come to realize the last 5 years or so is that being healthy is a progression. It starts small with simple changes, like purchasing fresh produce for snacks instead of processed, prepackaged foods. Or going on a 20 minute walk every day. Or even, taking time for yourself meditating, contemplating, processing. There isn't one thing or one area that can magically make a person healthy. Being healthy is holistic; it is a choice and it is daily work. Here's my top 5 ways to keep myself and my family healthy even in moments of weakness (ex: today's lunch). 1) Take a mental health day. Sometimes we get in the routine or habit of being workaholics. As homemakers, entrepreneurs, or in any other area where we devote time and energy. This is strenuous on our minds and bodies personally and as a family unit. Sometimes it's okay to take a

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